Celebrating TGE's 100th Project!

Celebrating TGE's 100th Project! image

**UPDATE 6/25/2024: WE HAVE MET OUR GOAL!!! The $10,000 match has been activated, and together we have raised more than $25,000 for our next ONE HUNDRED PROJECTS thanks to this incredible community of supporters. THANK YOU!!!**

Celebrate with Us: 100 Projects creating Lasting Impact!

At The Giving Exchange, we're celebrating a special milestone – our 100th project! Since our founding in 2013, we have worked tirelessly to partner with under-resourced communities, implementing sustainable projects that create lasting impact. This milestone represents the $500,000 invested, and 70,000 lives brightened.

Our 100th Project: Innovating for a Better Future
Our 100th project is a testament to innovation and sustainability: Black Soldier Fly Larvae Animal Feed Production with the Karambi Group. This project offers a cost-efficient, environmentally friendly, and nutritious alternative to traditional animal feed for individual farmers in Kasese District, Uganda. It embodies our commitment to empowering communities with solutions that are not only effective but also sustainable. This project will change the lives of three individual farmers: Moses, Douglas, and Grace.

(Moses, in red jacket, holding larvae habitat)

The Journey So Far: Milestones of Change
Our journey began in 2013 with our first project at Morning Star Children's Home. Since then, we've reached significant milestones:
  • 1st Project (2013): Septic System for Morning Star Children's Home
  • 25th Project (2018): Stoves for Njoo Dada Trust, improving health and reducing environmental impact.
  • 50th Project (2021): Dairy Cows for Divine Mercy, enhancing food security and providing income for a children’s home in Kenya.
  • 100th Project (2024): BSFL Animal Feed Production for three farmers with Karambi Group, a simple cost-effective, nutritious and environmentally friendly pivot
Each project has been a step towards a brighter future, impacting over 70,000 lives by providing vital resources, training, and support.
From animal rearing to vegetable farming, skills training, and microbusinesses, every project is locally conceived, managed, and grown, ensuring that the solutions are tailored to the community's needs.

(Morning Star - 2013)

(Njoo Dada - 2018)

The Power of Your Support
Your generosity has been the cornerstone of our success. To celebrate our 100th project, we have set an ambitious goal to raise $10,000, which will be matched dollar-for-dollar by an angel donor, doubling the impact of your contributions. This means that every dollar you donate will have twice the power to change lives.

Why Your Donation Matters
Your donation will:
  1. Empower Communities: Help us continue implementing sustainable projects that provide long-term benefits.
  2. Transform Lives: Directly impact the lives of individuals and families in under-resourced communities.
  3. Sustain Our Mission: Ensure that we can keep making a difference for years to come.

Double Your Impact
We invite you to join us in this celebration by donating $100. With the matching donation, your $100 becomes $200, making a substantial difference. Whether you are a long-time supporter or new to our mission, your contribution is crucial. Together, we can reach our goal of $20,000 and set the stage for the next 100 projects and more.

Join Us in Making a Difference
Please help us continue our journey of inspiring hope, transformation, and lasting impact. Every project, every dollar, every effort contributes to building a better world.
Thank you for being part of our story and for supporting The Giving Exchange.

Together, we are making a lasting impact, one project at a time.

Learn more about The Giving Exchange.