Dairy Production Equipment for Morning Star Home image

Dairy Production Equipment for Morning Star Home

$0 raised

$3,500 goal

/ 150


Dedicated TGE supporters know how dear Morning Star Children's Home is to our hearts.

The Giving Exchange has supported Morning Star for over ten years; in fact, this home inspired TGE's founding.

More recently, in 2018, The Giving Exchange funded high-grade dairy cows and a biogas system for the Home's dairy farm.

Since then, the farm has grown to 10 cows and 10 calves. The dairy production helps improve the 50 children's nutrition and sales from the milk generate revenue to help pay for school fees.

This year we are supporting the Home with equipment to increase their productivity:

  • milking machine
  • mixer
  • grinder
  • bag sealer
  • weighing scale

The cost of this equipment is just $3,500! Please donate today.


Morning Star currently houses 50 children. Without the mixer, 5-8 staff members of Morning Star mix the feed by hand and it takes them almost two hours to complete. This laborious effort often results in physical back pain. The mixer TGE is funding will improve efficiency and reduce the time of work down to 45 minutes.

Similarly, the milking machine will improve the efficiency of the cow milking process and save manpower. It will also help to prevent mastitis in the cows and thus reduce veterinary expenses. Currently, two staff members at Morning Star milk their 7 cows every morning and night – it takes 2 hours each time. The milking machine will reduce the time to 1 hour and 10 minutes each session, saving 1 hour and 40 minutes per day.